Saturday, January 5, 2019

Download Clockwork & Cthulhu (CW001004) {pdf} by Peter Cakebread

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Horror Roleplaying in the world of Clockwork & Chivalry "Then she did confesse that she gained her powers from a Devill which did come to her out of the baye on moonless nights. And upon examination, we did find the markes of evill upon her, for she bore scales like unto a fish about her bodie. And so was she hanged as a witche, and upon the scaffolde she did crie out "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!" and those who did witnesse this were sore afraide, but her Devill answered her not, and she did.
Clockwork & Cthulhu (CW001004) pdf free download
Clockwork & Cthulhu (CW001004) pdf download
Clockwork & Cthulhu (CW001004) pdf

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